Tsoza Gold Refinery

Buying and Selling Procedures:


The Refinery Buying and Sales Office can be contacted by sending us your product or request information in brief via the Trade Contact Form below;

Quick Gold Hallmark Guide:

  .999 = 24 carat = 99.9%
  .916 = 22 carat = 91.6%
  .750 = 18 carat = 75.0%
  .585 = 14 carat = 58.5%

  .375 =   9 carat = 37.5%

General Terms and Conditions for Sale and Purchase of Raw Gold:
The Tsoza Gold Refinery can currently process up to 50 kilos of raw gold per week either in dust or smelted form. 

Internationally recognised assaying is carried out by leading international company's such as; “ALEX STEWART (Assayers) or SGS, who will assay the refined gold on behalf of Tsoza Gold Refinery if required and under the instructions and payment of the client.

All shipments of raw gold to the Tsoza Refinery from overseas Sellers are routed through leading international courier companies like; Brinks or Group 4 Securicor (G4S), who can also provide customs clearance facilities and secure delivery to the refinery.

The raw gold Seller, or his representative, must be present when the gold is delivered to the Tsoza Refinery to witness the weighting and smelting procedure. The raw gold will be weighted and then smelted into bars, which will be assayed.
Tsoza Gold Refinery will purchase the gold at the contracted price per kilo of pure gold based on the assay certificate quantity and quality. 

Payment will be made by bank-to-bank transfer on the next banking day following the final assay report. 
The seller, or his representative, may be present in the bank when the transfer is being set-up and collect a copy of the Bank SWIFT transfer slip, unless other payment terms have been agreed in the Purchase Contract.

Hallmark History:

In England
 in 1300 King Edward I of England enacted a statute requiring that all silver articles must meet the sterling silver standard (92.5% pure silver) and must be assayed in this regard by 'guardians of the craft' who would then mark the item with a leopard's head. 

In 1327 King Edward III of England granted a charter to the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths (more commonly known as the Goldsmiths' Company), marking the beginning of the Company's formal existence. 

This entity was head-quartered in London at Goldsmiths' Hall from whence the English term "Hallmark" is derived. 

In the UK the use of the term "Hallmark" was first recorded in this sense in 1721 and in the more general sense as a "Mark of quality" in 1864.

    Trade Office Contact Form: